Ready to boost your e-commerce sales?

At DATOSBI we want to help you convert your online store data into profitable actions for your business with our personalized strategic advice.

Reserve your strategic advice in this form.
We will analyze your current sales strategy and how we can enhance them according to your market and target audience.
We will show you the data analysis techniques that we use at DATOSBI to detect new sales opportunities with advanced segmentation.
If you want to create your online store with us, we show you e-commerce strategies to boost your sales.
At the end of the session, we will develop a proposed data analysis and strategic marketing action plan to boost sales in your business.

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What we do

Boost sales in your online store with Business Intelligence

We integrate business intelligence solutions and strategic data analysis to enhance the marketing, sales and commercial management processes in your e-commerce.

Online store design

We create your 100% personalized online store adapted to your brand identity on secure platforms such as: WooCommerce, Shopify, Prestashop, Magento.

Analytics for

We examine the key performance indicators of your online store, identifying opportunities for improvement and areas where effective strategies can be implemented.

Strategic marketing

By analyzing purchasing patterns, audience segmentation, and message personalization, we can develop strategies that increase conversion rates and foster customer loyalty.

We are available for you

Let's maximize the profitability of your

At DATOSBI, we are passionate about driving business success in the digital environment through data transformation and the creation of profitable online stores with data analytics, marketing and strategic branding.